STEMWAVE! – It truly is a game-changer. This thermal image is from one of our patients with chronic knee pain “before & after” their initial StemWave treatment. In the “before” image, yellow and red signify inflammation, while in the “after” image, blue and purple indicate a restored, healthy joint. When utilizing thermal imaging, a healthy joint usually displays shades of blue and purple, reflecting its naturally lower vascularization.
StemWave can treat neck, back, upper and lower extremities, and soft tissue injuries. It is non-invasive, promotes natural healing, has no negative side effects, and has no downtime. Additionally, StemWave brings a remarkable 40% increase in blood flow to the treated area, while simultaneously reducing inflammation.
We are excited to share this treatment with our chiro patients. In May, we are offering a free StemWave treatment to 5 of our existing chiro patients. Check out our new bulletin board when visiting our Fishhawk office for a chance to snag one of the free StemWave treatment cards!
We are excited to announce that we are now taking Care Credit. Care Credit is a health, wellness, and personal care credit card that provides you with a convenient, flexible way to pay for health care.
Check out our website for more information and to book an appointment. You can also reach us at 813-793-7791.
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