Chiropractic FAQs:

No, we treat the whole body. Here’s a list of some of the conditions we can assist you with: What We Treat

What should I expect on my first visit?

You are always in a 1- on- 1 setting with the doctor for the entire visit; however, the exact treatment plan varies based on individual patients’ needs. You are unique and your body’s response to treatment is also unique. We will continue to evaluate, re-evaluate, and modify your treatments accordingly throughout your treatment plan. There are no cookie-cutter protocols at Motion ChiroTherapy.

Although treatments vary, you can expect that we will ask questions, utilize hands-on treatment and coach you through rehabilitative and performance exercises. The treatment plan is a team effort; therefore, you will be asked to move around, answer questions and provide feedback.

Working together is the only way we will achieve the optimal results that will get you feeling and moving better, quickly. Let’s get you back in motion!

What's a treatment like?

Follow-up appointments are 20 minutes of 1-on-1 treatment doing everything possible to speed up care. Most patients start noticing changes within their first day of treatment, and it’s very rare that people aren’t noticing improvements after just 2-3 visits.

Once I start chiropractic treatment, do I have to go forever?

Contrary to traditional chiropractic clinics, we don’t make you come back multiple times a week for months on end, wasting both time and money. We quickly identify the underlying issue, provide hands-on treatment, and educate you on how to be an active participant in your recovery process.

Will I have to keep coming back for the rest of my life?

Rather than treating your symptoms, we examine you thoroughly to determine exactly where your pain is coming from. We then create a treatment plan to get you back in motion in as few sessions as possible.

Do you only treat back problems?

No. If you move it we can treat it. Here is a list of all the conditions we treat.

Do you take insurance?

Motion ChiroTherapy is an Out of Network Provider. You can, however, use HSA and FSA dollars towards payments. Additionally, we can submit your claims to your insurance provider.

While we cannot guarantee they will apply the costs of our services to your deductible, this has been successful for many patients.

Why are you an Out of Network Provider?

Motion ChiroTherapy is a cash-based, musculoskeletal specialist clinic. This model gives you more time with your physician and a more personalized healthcare experience that is not available through traditional insurance-based models. Unfortunately, traditional health insurance does not currently reimburse for prolonged patient visits and integrative care that make Motion ChiroTherapy unique.

Why should I work with Dr. Lutz if I am not in pain?

Dr. Lutz works with many individuals who are not in pain. You don’t have to be in pain to be better than before. He works with patients on mobility, strength and improved biomechanics which allows patients to perform at their highest level in sport and in life.

What are your prices?

New patient appointment: 40-minute assessment and treatment = $150.

*Return patient appointment: 20-minute treatment = $75.

*Treatment packages available

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